Cap off the year right and usher in 2017 with a dynamic corporate conference that gives your employees, sales teams and channel partners more reason to stick with you. More than a meeting to showcase your recaps and product updates, studies show that unique company conferences also have a hand in boosting employee and partner morale and retention.
From the top peak in Vail to top performance
Don’t cram your attendees in a dingy bus and shuttle them off to the windowless hotel conference room. Kick it up a notch! Research shows that companies that have highly engaged employees average 2.5 as much revenue than those with low engagements levels. Nothing builds engagement like a trip to sun-soaked Miami or an assent to the top peak in Colorado.
Over 93% of CEOs say they either need to or are already changing their employee attraction and retention strategy. Source
Schedule an initial consultation with our corporate conference planners.
Contact us to kick off 2017 with a jolt of inspiration. We’ll get our planning wheels turning so you can focus on the rest of 2016 and leave the details to us.